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Good day! In accordance with s.p 17) Article 1 of the LRK “On Commodity Exchanges”, a member of a commodity exchange is a broker and (or) a dealer who, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, have the right to carry out transactions with exchange commodities in the manner prescribed by the internal documents of the commodity exchange.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 11 of the Law, membership on a commodity exchange gives the right to participate in exchange trading.

S.p 9) Clause 2 of Chapter 1 of the Standard Rules of Exchange Trading dated 03.30.2015 No. 280 stipulates that
participants in exchange trading are brokers and (or) dealers who have passed the accreditation procedure in a commodity exchange and are entitled to carry out exchange transactions on a commodity exchange.

S.p 6) art 1 of the Law, participants in exchange trading are clients, brokers and dealers who interact on a commodity exchange in accordance with the established rules of exchange trading.

According to clause 3. art 19 of the Law, relations between a broker and his clients arise on the basis of an agreement on the provision of brokerage services, to which the norms of the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan are applied.

In accordance with clauses 1 and 2 of article 23 of the Law, a commercial secret includes information about registered participants in exchange trading. Brokers and dealers do not have the right to allow actions (inaction) that may lead to a violation of natural pricing and destabilization of the commodity market.

Based on the above norms, it follows that the interests of clients (suppliers) on the commodity exchange during exchange trading are represented by their brokers on the basis of concluded service agreements.

Accordingly, the names of the supplier companies participating in the exchange trading through their brokers are not subject to publication, including as indicated above due to the confidentiality regime and the exclusion of the corruption component and the facts of collusion between potential suppliers.

In general terms, then the answer to your question should be sought in the norms of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, so according to article 299 of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a carbon unit is an accounting unit of a carbon quota (allowance) or carbon offset and is equal to one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent.

The carbon unit itself is a commodity permitted for circulation between the subjects of the carbon market in the Republic of Kazakhstan (regulated instalations; individuals and legal entities involved in the implementation of carbon offsets; operator of the carbon trading system)

The carbon trading system in the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of primary and secondary carbon markets.

In the primary carbon market, the carbon trading system operator sells carbon credits to the instalation to the carbon market entities on an auction basis (auctioning, or reserve).

In the secondary carbon market, the subjects of the carbon market carry out between themselves the sale and purchase of carbon units through a direct transaction or through a commodity exchange.

ETS on a commodity exchange is organized in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on commodity exchanges.

Thus, carbon credits can be purchased through an auction on the primary carbon market or on secondary carbon market OTC or through a commodity exchange.

CCX was the first exchange in the Republic of Kazakhstan to hold trades for greenhouse gas emissions in 2014. Taking into account the recent changes in environmental legislation, including in the ETS, CCX experience is still on a high level.

If you are interested in selling or purchasing carbon units, you can familiarize yourself with the necessary information on the CCX website in the “Commodity Markets” section, the “Greenhouse Gases” module.

In addition, up-to-date information is always published on the CCX website in the news section, including information on the purchase or sale of carbon units.

If necessary, you can additionally familiarize yourself with the information you are interested in on the website of Zhasyl Damu JSC, which up to now forms and maintains the national carbon registry. National carbon registry is an electronic system for recording transactions related to the introduction, storage, transfer, acquisition, reservation, blocking, redemption, cancellation, and withdrawal from circulation of carbon units.

Hello, As you know, an exchange commodity is a standardized homogeneous commodity included in The unified commodity nomenclatureof foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union, the units of which are identical in all respects, have similar characteristics and consist of similar components, which allows them to perform the same functions, which have the property of complete interchangeability of lots from different manufacturers, as well as a fixed-term contract.

S.p: 8) Article 1 of the LRK “On Commodity Exchanges” stipulates that the quotation of exchange commodities is the bid and (or) offer price announced for exchange commodities at a certain point in time on the commodity exchange.

In accordance with s.p: 2-2) c. 2 of the Law, the commodity exchange carries out the formation of exchange quotations.

According to clauses 1 and 2 of Article 18 of the Law, the exchange price of a commodity is formed as a result of the quotation of exchange commodities. Commodity exchanges post quotes for commodities on their own websites.

In pursuance of the above legislative requirements, the CCX publishes on its website following quotes: coal, cement, wheat, liquefied petroleum gas.

For these types of exchange commodities, any interested person has the right to track the dynamics of the submitted quotes and take them in planning their procurement activities.

Good day! CCX is not able to significantly influence the actions of manufacturers (manufacturing plants) of these products.

In market conditions, this is their independent decision. There are no legal requirements and / or restrictions on the sale of this product in one way or another. Conducting negotiations on this issue with the authorized bodies on our part seems inappropriate, since the main activity of the commodity exchange is the organization and conduct of exchange trading. You have the right to independently initiate such negotiations with the relevant departments or by contacting the appropriate application to NCE Atameken.

At the same time, when you provide a list of manufacturers of these products, CCX will consider the issue of holding appropriate negotiations with them with a proposal to sell polyethylene and polypropylene through the electronic trading system of the CCX.

Exchange activity is regulated by a number of legal acts, All types of legislation you can find in our website

Also you can visit the website of Ministry of Trade and Integration of RK, which is regulatory body of commodity exchanges.

Along with this, the scope of exchange activities is regulated by the norms of the following codes, such as: Entrepreneurial, Civil, Environmental, Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Subsoil and Subsoil Use”.

Also, by virtue and within its competence, the Commodity Exchange has the right to issue its internal documents that regulate the conditions and procedure for the activities of participants on the commodity exchange, the work of the commodity exchange, its bodies, structural divisions, the provision of services, the procedure and amount of their payment.

Any interested person can get acquainted with a number of relevant regulatory documents on the CCX website in the Documents section.

To participate in the auction for the sale of municipal coal in accordance with the approved Sectional rules (recommendations), it is necessary to conclude an agreement with an accredited Broker at the CCX, or be accredited at the commodity exchange as a dealer. Information for brokers is available on the website www.ccx.kz Information on accreditation as a dealer can be found in the accreditation rules in the CCX regulations section

Hello! You can be accredited at CCX as a dealer and take part in auctions on your own behalf without concluding an agreement with a broker. In this case, you will have an agreement with the CCX. To pass accreditation, it is necessary to study the accreditation rules posted on the CCX website in the “CCX regulations” section.

Good day! Registration in the system is possible only for Brokers / Dealers who have received accreditation at the CCX as a member of the exchange. In this regard, if you intend to be accredited as a member of CCX, please look the CCX regulations section on the website If, however, you are a supplier and wish to participate in auctions for the procurement of subsoil users as a client, you need to conclude an agreement with a brokerage company for brokerage services. Further questions should already be discussed with your broker.

According to clause 69 of the Model rules of exchange trading, approved by the Order of the acting Of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 30, 2015 No. 280 “69. По сделке, заключенной в ходе биржевых торгов, торговой системой товарной биржи автоматически генерируется отчет по биржевой сделке (далее – отчет по биржевой сделке), с присвоением уникального номера и содержит следующие сведения: 1) наименование участника биржевых торгов и его уникальный биржевой идентификатор (индивидуальный код, присвоенный участнику биржевых торгов); 2) дату и время заключения сделки в формате – год, месяц, день, час, минута, секунда (с точностью минимум до 0,1 секунды); 3) наименование и (или) код биржевого или нестандартизированного товара; 4) цену за единицу товара; 5) количество товара; 6) общую сумму сделки. 70. Отчет по биржевой сделке представляется брокеру или дилеру, заключившему сделку, в системе электронного документооборота товарной биржи с обязательным подписанием электронной цифровой подписью уполномоченного работника товарной биржи сразу после окончания торговой сессии и клиринга. Брокер после получения отчета по биржевой сделке представляет его своему клиенту. На основании протокола биржевой сделки между Инициатором и Победителем аукциона заключается договор (купли\продажи) поставки товара. При этом законодательством в сфере биржевой торговли не урегулирован срок заключения договора. В случае возникновения вопросов по заключению договора, прошу вас обратиться в адрес брокера представляющего Инициатора аукциона по контактам указанным на сайте биржи в разделе «Члены биржи».

Good day! Информация по членам биржи размещена в соответствующем разделе на сайте нашей компании по адресу www.comex.kz с уважением, АО “Товарная биржа “Каспий”

Good day! Если Вы желаете участвовать в торгах, то Вам необходимо обратится к нашим брокерам, список брокеров http://comex.kz/ru/brokers Если вы намерены зарегистрироваться в качестве брокера, вам необходимо ознакомится с правилами аккредитации на бирже в качестве члена биржи и предоставить документы согласно данного регламента. Ознакомится с документами можно по адресу http://comex.kz/ru/docs/normdocs-2

В объявленных торгах проводимых в режиме стандартного аукциона размещается вся необходимая информация касательно закупаемого товара. Торги в режиме анонимного аукциона проводятся по утвержденным биржей спецификациям, которые вы также можете найти на сайте биржи в разделе Документы биржи.

Good day! ЭЦП необходима только аккредитованным членам биржи. Если вы учувствуете в торгах используя услуги брокера биржевая сделка подписывается ЭЦП брокера.

С уважением, Товарная Биржа “Каспий”

Good day! Биржа данной информацией не владеет. Вы можете данную информацию уточнить у брокеров, аккредитованных на нашей бирже. Список брокеров вы можете посмотреть на сайте АО “Товарная биржа “Каспий” в разделе Члены биржи по адрес www.ccx.kz

Hello! Отношения между брокером и клиентом регулируются подписанным между вами договором на брокерское обслуживание. Кроме того всю информацию о предстоящих торгах вы можете найти на нашем сайте www.ccx.kz в разделе Торги

Hello! Информацию по лотам вы можете посмотреть на сайте comex.kz по вкладке /торги/.

Hello! Все тарифы биржи имеются на сайте ccx.kz, в разделе Тарифы. Данные тарифы действительны для аккредитованных членов биржи. Если же вы намерены учувствовать в торгах с использованием услуг аккредитованного брокера, вам необходимо заключить договор с действующим членом биржи. Информацию об аккредитованных брокерах вы можете найти в разделе Члены биржи на сайте www.ccx.kz

Good day! Для того чтобы участвовать в биржевых торгах на АО “Товарная Биржа “Каспий” Вам необходимо заключить договор на брокерское обслуживание с какой-либо брокерской компанией, аккредитованной на АО “ТБК”. Более подробную информацию о брокерах Вы можете найти на официальном сайте www.comex.kz

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