Caspy Commodity Exchange JSC, within the framework of the adopted concept and principles of the company’s development in the field of sustainable development and ESG has been assessing greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint reports since 2022. In August 2024, we prepared reports for 2022 and 2023 in accordance with the recommendations of the international protocol on greenhouse gases – GHG Protocol and the ST RK ISO 14064-1-2019 standard. Reports include CO2, N2O and CH4 emissions. The main purpose of the report is to disclose information on Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions and further actions to minimize the carbon footprint. The report provides a comprehensive analysis of emissions and allows identifying key sources of carbon footprint and developing measures to reduce it.

The reports are verified in accordance with the requirements of the standard ST RK ISO 14064-3-2019. SSDC LLP issued the expert opinion (professional opinion).